Wednesday, November 23, 2016
The art of making impossible, possible: Ingrid Vanderveldt at TEDxFiDiWomen
Ingrid Vanderveldt (iV) is the Entrepreneur-in-Residence for Dell, CEO of Green Girl Energy, Founding Organizer of the GLASS Forum (Global Leadership & Sustainable Success), seasoned entrepreneur, business television personality and a passionate advocate for WOMEN + GREEN sustainability initiatives. Ingrid has designed and executed corporate, entrepreneurial and philanthropic programs to advance the economic success of women-owned and green-focused businesses and has worked with companies including Microsoft, Dell, Humana and SAIC. Ingrid created CNBC's first original primetime series, "American Made" reaching over 1 M viewers around the globe and has hosted the Web shows 'On the Road with iV' and the 'Road to SXSW 2010'. 2010 inspired a new mission of "Empowering a Billion Women by 2020" to help foster a more sustainable future for our planet. Ingrid serves on the Advisory Boards of SXSW Eco, World Blu, Current Motor, the Young Entrepreneur Council and Visionary Holdings. She advises and supports Richard Branson's Carbon War Room, XPRIZE, is a co-founder of The Billionaire Girls Club and is an invited member of the Dell Women's Entrepreneur Network(DWEN). She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, Inc. Magazine, the Today Show and The Big Idea. iV has been awarded a technology patent and has a Master's in Architecture and an MBA in Entrepreneurship.
Event video by: http://repertoireproductions.com/
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Hadmen Yadongplease
Hadmen Yadongplease1 month ago
she's a woo girl :3
Reply 1
Tena Kranjcic
Tena Kranjcic2 months ago
I am utterly happy when I see women around the world which are aiming high, and achieving their goals. Well done. This is an interesting light story but certainly not the inspirational one, since a high number of the women which wants to achieve their goals don't have;
a.) Rich and successful parents
b.) Saved funds to cover everyday expenses (which means they need to find a job, while working parallely on their dreams)
c.) Understanding of their friends and family for their journey
d.) Strong connections in the business world (just finding an experienced mentor is a huge deal and rather difficult)
Needless to say, I'm not inspired by this. I will however, bow down to a lady such as Tererai Trent, a woman which was born and raised in Africa, without as much as a clean water and food, and today holds a PHD, and made her dream come true without any of above mentioned assets. Think you should call her for TED Talk. Especially the one for ladies.
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TheKaraqi41 week ago (edited)
Different is your reactance. I got from her speech what I wrote above. You got that she s successful because of her family. That's not what you should take from mentors, in my opinion.
Tena Kranjcic
Tena Kranjcic1 week ago
+TheKaraqi4 to conclude, we have to agree to dissagree. You maybe collected valuable information, and if that's so, good for you. I personally haven't. We are not all inspired by the same thing, and we don't all value insights which are too general, like from my perspective this one is. I cannot compare myself to this type of person, because she has had much easier and smoother road, and even though I am glad to hear the talk of a successful young women, I was counting on the fact that this speech will "enlighten" the fact about what "needs to be done" for most of population, and it is actually tailor made just for the few lucky ones. Just my opinion.
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Bill Otinger
Bill Otinger7 months ago
it was the Women who Stood up to England around 1770 they formed Groups and Traveled to the Colonies teaching other Women how to make Cloths, Soap Everything they needed, they signed a Letter and sent it to the King and We will Not Buy your Expensive Products, This put their Husbands , Brothers LIVES on the LIne, its was the Women in ICELAND that caused the Men to to go ARREST the BANKERS and Many of the Politicians in 2008-9 and take back Control of their Money System, the Women Quit Cooking for the Man and Having Sex they Marched in the Streets Banging POsts and Pans and the Men took Action, see Constitution Attorney video KRIS ANN HALL for Details,
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Reply 6
Giorgi Gudiashvili
Giorgi Gudiashvili2 months ago
I clicked because I saw Dutch surname and thought the woman must be beautiful.
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Salome Bolkvadze
Salome Bolkvadze1 month ago
oxoxoo ..ქალები ქალები ..
Giorgi Gudiashvili
Giorgi Gudiashvili1 month ago
დიაღ ;)
Griddie Mac
Griddie Mac4 months ago (edited)
Volume too low. Can't hear the presentation. Oh...it improves at 2.25 minutes
Reply 2
Rolando Sta. Cruz
Rolando Sta. Cruz2 months ago
so do i
Reply 1
ella hope
ella hope4 months ago
Yes with out woman no people or many other men can't exist on own
LeanSerenity5 months ago
Last October I applied for a job I thought I could never get.. This Friday I will have an interview for this job and by July I will be in training.. 9 months
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Gaston Bayiganwa
Gaston Bayiganwa1 month ago
you touch my ♥
MrRedstardude4 weeks ago
If you have rich and powerful parents, you can do anything.
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Ras Fiend
Ras Fiend9 months ago
I watched this video several times - I still do not know how to make the impossible, possible. Vid needs a new title.
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ShaunieBNaturalista3 months ago (edited)
+Ras Fiend She only had 18 minutes. She was actually spot-on, but couldn't give you any details. Our beliefs shape every aspect of our lives. If you don't believe it's possible; it isn't. We never grow in our comfort zone. Success comes when you risk much. Collaboration is key. You can get places with the help of other people that you can never get alone. Finally, you don't have to search for your purpose. It has already found you...it's that THING that you do so easily and so well, and that people come to you for because no one does it quite like YOU. Enjoy your life, my friend.
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Ras Fiend
Ras Fiend3 months ago
+ShaunieBNaturalista She and ppl like you are perpetuating a false belief that success looks and feels like a movie Rocky musical montage when in reality, it might feel like a monotonous, deary work. Now some people are able to discipline themselves and work through this and make it seem so exciting and kinetic because of their own personal achievement. But watching a boxer in reality train will not look exciting to the average person. Can you imagine staring at a person doing 500 situps?
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cheng li
cheng li8 months ago
She shared something truly inspiring here. I enjoyed the video very much and do not mind about the clap or "loaded question" at all. If the stuff inside is good, I won't worry much about the wrapping paper.
Reply 6
kiana kakar
kiana kakar4 months ago
Not true
b. assia
b. assia5 months ago
wowwww I wanna be liiiike uuuuu 😍😙
NiKhil Vinchurkar
NiKhil Vinchurkar9 months ago
I would have watched the complete vdo but her annoying clap absolutely when its not needed made me switch off.. Speakers be natural & normal and we will listen and watch
Reply 7
Ras Fiend
Ras Fiend9 months ago
+NiKhil Vinchurkar Yes - not only was the clapping so patronizing - but the shitty front--loaded "question" asking how many people think women are important..." is such a 3rd grade level of discourse, i immediately felt this yenta had nothing to offer. She would have done better if she started her talk saying "How ya niggas doin' out there!"
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NiKhil Vinchurkar
NiKhil Vinchurkar9 months ago
Yeah man. She was funny. People should take her story in a positive way. It's not a great story but can surely inspire a few.
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Mort Schubert
Mort Schubert1 year ago
She speaks a lot without saying much, if anything at all.
Reply 23
Nibbler8001 year ago
+Mort Schubert Well now...THERE'S a calling for going into Politics eh? lol. Sounds like she's a natural! ;-)
Reply 3
Markme Reid
Markme Reid3 months ago
video scandalx
Paige Sheldon
Paige Sheldon8 months ago
Ingrid Vanderveldt.. Catchy title, and exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you Ingrid, I was a special student as well and I look forward to seeing you again.
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JR Woods
JR Woods2 years ago
This speaker never gets out of the anecdotes to make the point of the lecture relevant from them. Frustrating.
Reply 23
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Sol M
Sol M2 years ago
+ProcessedArt The point is making the impposible, possible, but I will very much appreciate if you could tell me what did you learn from this video? seriously.
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jcmmanuel2 years ago
In essence, "making the impossible possible" means that you see a way of letting happen what everyone else says is impossible. It's not much different from what Einstein believed was possible - when almost no one else would even want to consider the possibility of it. I don't think Ingrid is some kind of fool that the TED guys mistakenly gave a forum.
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DeWayne Stafford
DeWayne Stafford5 months ago
It was determined she was retarded because she did not fit as an easily malleable pretzel that an insane system could mold into a common denominator of mundane dead reality !!!!
sajida badwan
sajida badwan6 months ago
This video is pointless! First of if her daddy is rich she should not be on TED giving a sermon on the art of making it! Second in order to reach out to other humans you have to have the common struggle with them/like them otherwise no one is going to listen about your daddy's connection to a Fortune 500 company blah blah blah on...last but not least this has nothing to do with women its 2016 anyone can do anything what's up with the women stuff ..?! Assuming she had another one of her daddy's connection to come on to TED and talk....I'm glad she feels accomplished good for her! It must be hard growing up in a rich family and feeling like you have to prove yourself something! She feels she made something of herself good for her.
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Tony James Gilpin
Tony James Gilpin1 year ago
I think that some doctors are just ignoramuses! When I was a baby, I had one of them call me retarded! So, I told them, "Bitch! I love learning! Give me that damn book!"
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