Friday, April 13, 2018

This type of "sugar" is a healing superfood Inbox x Herbs & Health via 7:06 PM (23 hours ago) to me Hi everyone, Hippocrates (the father of medicine) used this "liquid gold" as a treatment for pain, dehydration, and fever. And this isn't just some "folk remedy" discredited by modern science either. Researchers (in thousands of peer-reviewed papers) continue to uncover just how healing it can be. In fact, Dr. Joshua Levitt actually prescribes this "healing superfood" to his patients in his clinic in Connecticut... Most sweeteners are extremely dangerous, but your body burns THIS sugar differently than other sweeteners... Today's new article explains: > Discover 5 scientifically-backed reasons to use this "liquid gold" every day To your health, Alex, Herbs & Health.

Honey, in particular, has three critical healing effects... First, honey supports your immune system and fights off harmful bacteria. As you know, your body is under constant assault by numerous viruses and bacteria that threaten to tire you out, make you sick, and even kill you. Fighting off this threat is key to staying healthy. One of the vital components in honey is an enzyme called glucose oxidase. This enzyme, when exposed to oxygen, produces hydrogen peroxide -- a strong acid that dissolves the cell walls of bacteria. (Most human cells have thicker cell walls and can resist the low amounts of acid honey produces.) This makes honey a powerful tool for fighting skin infections, healing wounds, and otherwise supporting your immune system. (And its why honey is able to last for so long in your cupboard without going bad.) Second, it supplies the "building blocks" for healthy cells. In addition to giving you sugars, honey equips your body with a complex array of proteins, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. The second these nutrients hit your body, they go to work... Tuning up your heart, lungs, stomach, brain, eyes, and skin... Controlling cancer-causing free-radicals and stopping cell damage in its tracks... Detoxifying your body of harmful pollutants and other toxins.

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