Wednesday, December 27, 2017

23 Great Ways to Painlessly Cleanse Your Whole Body

HEALTH23 Great Ways to Painlessly Cleanse Your Whole Body When people hear the word “cleanse” or “detox”, they think of starvation and similar painful experiences. However, there are many simple and safe things you can do to clean your body of toxins and waste. If used regularly, the methods below are highly effective and better than any short-term detox plans. Meditation Besides cleansing the body, cleansing the mind is also important. Meditation will help you get rid of negative emotions and relax. It doesn’t really matter if you meditate for 5 or 60 minutes – take whatever time you need and just let everything go. Water Out body consists of a huge amount of water, which makes it important for every cell and function. Water is especially important for our lymphatic system as it expels toxins from the body. Without a proper amount of water in our bodies, we can’t function normally. Experts recommend starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water, and you can add some baking soda for even better results. The beverage will regulate your pH levels and destroy bacteria and toxins in your body. Juicing with dandelion greens Juicing is one of the best natural ways of feeding your body with micronutrients and destroying toxins. Dandelions are a powerful natural diuretic that can flush out salt and water from the body, and they can clean the liver as well. The plant contains essential nutrients the body requires on a daily basis and is anti-inflammatory in nature. Hydrotherapy Dry brush your body first, then enter the shower and alternate between hot and cold showers for a couple of minutes. This hydrotherapy method will boost your blood and lymphatic flow and improve the function of your immune system. Dry brushing and rebounding The lymphatic system is a network of nodes, vessels and ducts that run through the body and move lymph throughout it. The lymph is vital for cleaning waste and toxins from the body, so it’s an important part of detoxifying processes. Dry brushing is a simple technique for cleaning and boosting the lymph flow. It consists of using specific circular motions on the skin which move toward the heart. Add some rebounding in the process like in the video below, and you will certainly feel much better. Stretching The sedentary lifestyle we all lead leaves us almost no time for any kind of physical activity. This is a big problem that is responsible for many diseases and conditions. However, stretching won’t take much of your time, and can significantly boost your blood and lymph circulation. Stretching exercises can relax your muscles and keep your body in tip-top shape, and they can also be done anywhere. Find a few stretching exercises online and start doing them to boost your circulation and expel toxins from your body. Qi-gong workout The ancient Chinese Qi-gong therapy involves specific postures and breathing techniques which can clean the body of toxins and boost the energy flow as well. These workouts will only take 10 minutes of your time and will improve your physical and mental performance unlike anything else. Turn off the news The TV news are a big money-making industry that feeds on your stress. Depressing and shocking news can upset your mind, which is why you should avoid watching news unless necessary. Instead of spending your time in front of the TV, go for a walk with your friends and you’ll feel much better. Bone broth Yes, something as simple as a bowl of bone broth can uplift your energy and mind. Bone broth contains several important minerals that can improve your overall health and lift you up when you’re sick. Sound therapy Sound therapy is a great body and mind detox method. As we age, we grow dull to sound frequencies, which affects our energy and increases our irritability to any kind of sound. Sound therapy is aimed to restore this sensitivity and can treat numerous health problems as well. Listening to uplifting music This method can help you relax and has the same effect on your mind as drinking fresh water has on your body. Find the music you love and simply enjoy it to clean your mind. Steam therapy One of the best ways of getting toxins out of your body is steam therapy. Steam therapy can clean your clogged sinuses and pores easily and effectively. It’s not that hard – just get a humidifier or breathe steam from a hot shower. Even using your stove works – just fill a pot with water, then let it boil, lean over it with a towel over your head and breathe in the steam. Pet therapy Pet therapy is another great way of cleansing your body and mind. Pets are energy sensitive and know when you’re upset. They love affection, and petting them has been known to reduce heart rate and relieve fatigue. Pets can bring a smile to your face and make you laugh – just 15 minutes of playing with them can improve your mood and cleanse your body and mind better than anything else. Herbs Some of the best cleansing herbs include peppermint, garlic, milk thistle and borotutu bark. They can detoxify your body and have been known to treat numerous diseases and conditions. Aromatherapy Some plants contain aromatic compounds that can improve your overall mental and physical wellbeing. Aromatherapy has been used as a rejuvenating method for a long time by different cultures and is easy to perform. All you need to do is rub some essential oil on your hands and cup them on your face while inhaling deeply to relax your senses. Wake up and skip breakfast During the day, our body undergoes 3 processes: elimination, appropriation and assimilation. The morning is reserved for elimination, so eating breakfast can impair your body’s ability to expel toxins. Instead of a heavy meal, take a glass of warm lemon water and a smoothie afterwards – this will replenish the nutrients in your body and boost the elimination process. Foam rolling Although unusual, this method is highly effective. Our sedentary lifestyle makes our muscles stiff and underused, but foam rolling can eliminate the toxins in our body and improve the circulation in various body parts, which will heal the body as a whole. Oil pulling This is an ancient technique that can significantly improve the health of your gums and teeth. Just swish a tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil in your mouth for 20 minutes to “pull” out toxins and clean your oral cavity. The technique will also whiten your teeth and improve the lymph flow in your system. After you’re done, spit the oil out. Infrared heating therapy The infrared waves in a sauna can increase your body temperature slowly and activate different bodily functions. As you sweat, toxins will be eliminated from your body, and the process will boost your circulation as well. Foot massage The feet absorb energy and particles, which is why they’re often one of the biggest toxin build-up points. By massaging them with essential oils or lotions, you can eliminate these toxins and improve your overall health. Vitamin D therapy To get more vitamin D in your body, all you need to do is enjoy the sun. Lack of vitamin D in the body is a serious problem that can cause numerous diseases and conditions which is why vitamin D supplementation is so important. During winter, you can use tanning beds to get the vitamin, but avoid using them too often. Oxygen therapy Oxygen is a key ingredient for cleansing your body – it gives power to the cell network and provides the body with energy. The oxygen therapy involves breathing an increased amount of oxygen through a mask under the supervision of a medical professional. However, you can do the same by enjoying nature – just go for a 20-30-minute walk to clear your body and mind, relieve stress and detoxify your system. Epsom salt bath Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, a mineral that our cells consist of. Magnesium is involved in over 300 processes in the body, and is very hard to obtain in the standard western diet. Millions of people are magnesium deficient, which is why you should try Epsom salt baths in order to boost your magnesium levels. As you can see, there are many ways in which you can detox your body easily. All of these methods will cleanse your body and mind and improve your overall health, so you might want to give them a try. Article and image sources: |

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